
9:00 am - 11:00 am

24 September 2024 09h00 Departure to Albertinia

Attention: Acceptance of Indemnity waiver and terms and conditions are assumed when tickets are purchased.
Own food and beverages are not allowed on the train -Tuckshop and beverages are available for purchase on the train.

Sold out!

Hartenbos – Albertinia (Aloe Ferox) & return.
We depart from Hartenbos station at 9am, (adjacent to Hennie’s Restaurant) where our gleaming steam locomotive with her vintage coaches awaits you.
The trip will take you to Aloe Ferox in Albertinia.
The train driver’s whistle signals his readiness for our departure time and our journey back to Hartenbos station, where we will disembark at 3pm.
Experience the Adventure !!


N2, Albertinia, 6695